Lots of confusion here, the root of the problem is that at some point above it asked me to install docker desktop for linux, which I did, but it nuked a bunch of settings with my base docker setup
Basically I had previously configed the base docker setup to run without sudo (by adding user to the docker group) as well as configured it to use nvidia gpu, as outlined here:
Also, NVIDIA users should set their default Docker runtime to the NVIDIA container runtime. You can do this by editing /etc/docker/daemon.json
to have the following contents:
**"default-runtime"**: "nvidia",
**"runtimes"**: {
**"nvidia"**: {
**"path"**: "nvidia-container-runtime",
**"runtimeArgs"**: []
if you get this random error:
Failed to initialize NVML: Unknown Error
ROS2 and docker:
docker pull osrf/ros:humble-desktop