Creating Isaac Sim of Jaschas Gordon Lab Mate robot

Link to Onshape CAD: - Gordon

Isaac sim import error:

2024-10-30 22:03:48 [209,044ms] [Warning] [omni.importer.onshape.widgets.parts_widget] (403)
Reason: Forbidden
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Wed, 30 Oct 2024 22:03:48 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '142', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'X-Api-Version': 'v1', 'On-Version': '1.188.44801.efe902c5e36d', 'X-Request-ID': '21dfa58788428b377d9582dbba962511', 'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining': '1477', 'traceparent': '00-000000000000000085b7b16801e07151-85b7b16801e07151-00', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block'})
HTTP response body: b'{\\n  "message" : "Resource does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it.",\\n  "code" : 0,\\n  "status" : 403,\\n  "moreInfoUrl" : ""\\n}'

onshape-to-robot import error:

pybullet build time: Nov 28 2023 23:45:17
* Checking OpenSCAD presence...
OpenSCAD version 2021.01
* Checking MeshLab presence...

* Using configuration version ID c6032757bcfdfd444e3e1a2b ...

* Retrieving elements in the document, searching for the assembly...
+ Found assembly, id: a058b857ed0ded9a17f47a07, name: "POC Robot Assembly"

* Retrieving assembly "POC Robot Assembly" with id a058b857ed0ded9a17f47a07

* Getting assembly features, scanning for DOFs...
+ Found DOF: z_link (prismatic)[-0.75: -0.02]
+ Found DOF: inner_joint (revolute)[-1.658: 1.658]
WARNING: joint dof_outer_joint of type revolute has no limits 
+ Found DOF: outer_joint (revolute)
+ Found DOF: wrist (revolute)[-3.124: 3.124]
WARNING: joint dof_fork_joint of type revolute has no limits 
+ Found DOF: fork_joint (revolute)
+ Found DOF: castor_joint (revolute)[0.0: 6.283]
+ Found DOF: right_wheel_joint (continuous)[0: 0]
+ Found DOF: left_wheel_joint (continuous)[0: 0]
+ Found DOF: tool_attach (fixed)
+ Found DOF: z_column_mount (fixed)
+ Found DOF: camera_mount (fixed)
* Found total 11 DOFs

* Building robot tree
* Trunk is Robot Base <1>
* Adding top-level instance [Robot Base <1>]
+ Adding part Hex bolt 5/16-18 x 0.75 <1> (configuration: JTQwc2NwPVZsQTExUFU5TEZ0dUZORHk0T3BMa0JUUVJSZHdwZ2F1dEFuNFBUTWN1QmMlM0Q7QmFzaWNEaWFtZXRlcj0wLjAwNzkzNzUrbWV0ZXI7RmlsbGV0UmFkaXVzPTcuNjIwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxRS00K21ldGVyO0hlYWRIZWlnaHQ9MC4wMDU5NjkrbWV0ZXI7TGVuZ3RoPTAuMDE5MDUrbWV0ZXI7UGl0Y2g9MC4wMDE0MDk3K21ldGVyO1RocmVhZExlbmd0aD0wLjAxOTA1K21ldGVyO1RyaWFuZ2xlSGVpZ2h0PTAuMDAxMjIwODM2MDA2MzgwMDAwMSttZXRlcjtXaWR0aEFjcm9zc0ZsYXRzPTAuMDEyNzAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxK21ldGVy)
WARNING: part Hex bolt 5/16-18 x 0.75 <1> has no mass, maybe you should assign a material to it ?
+ Adding part Hex nut 5/16-18 <4> (configuration: JTQwc2NwPUlHUzN6dHkxcjZOOCUyRmk2MkxXM1NibzVsUCUyQnp5THRiNzVZOUhHWUlTTlFFJTNEO0JvdHRvbUNoYW1mZXI9dHJ1ZTtNYWpvckRpYW1ldGVyPTAuMDA3OTM3NSttZXRlcjtNaW5vckRpYW1ldGVyPTAuMDA2NDAwODAwMDAwMDAwMDAxK21ldGVyO1BpdGNoPTAuMDAxNDA5NyttZXRlcjtUaGlja25lc3M9MC4wMDY5MzQyMDAwMDAwMDAwMDE1K21ldGVyO1dhc2hlckZhY2U9ZmFsc2U7V2lkdGhBY3Jvc3NGbGF0cz0wLjAxMjcwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMSttZXRlcg)
WARNING: part Hex nut 5/16-18 <4> has no mass, maybe you should assign a material to it ?
+ Adding part Part 1 <3>
WARNING: part Part 1 <3> has no mass, maybe you should assign a material to it ?
+ Adding part 08R-JWPF-VSLE-D <15>
! ERROR (403) while using OnShape API
! {
  "message" : "Resource does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it.",
  "code" : 0,
  "status" : 403,
  "moreInfoUrl" : ""
HINT: Check that your access rights are correct, and that the clock on your computer is set correctly